CURIOSITA: An insatiable curious approach to life and an unrelenting quest for continuous learning.
Our eldest son, at a very young age, would ask “What if…?”
DIMONSTRAZIONE: A commitment to test knowledge through experience, persistence and a willingness to learn from past mistakes.
I was never a ‘natural cook’. As I was putting the biscuits in the oven to cook, our young son asked “Are you going to burn them now?”
SENSAZIONE: Continual refinement of the senses as the means to enliven experience.
To be innovative we must be aware of what is going on around us. To be ‘blissfully unaware’ is not an option here.
SFUMATO: It is about our willingness to embrace ambiguity, paradox and uncertainty.
Life is not straightforward, nor are relationships. Accepting this helps us to reduce our stress.
ARTE/SCIENZA: Developing a balance between logic and creative thinking.
Other terms for this are balancing between art and science as well as whole brain thinking.
CORPORALITA: This is about maintaining a healthy body as well as a healthy mind.
One of the core concepts of da Vinci’s approach is keeping our bodies and our minds fit. Fit minds lead to more innovative and creative solutions.
This is the simple recognition of the interconnectedness of all things and phenomena.