Victory Over Intense Suffering

Beverley was suffering from a degenerative gum disease causing incessant burning sensation in her mouth when she wrote this. She gave this to me shortly before she passed away. (Marge Stathakis)



Dear Lord, the author of my life-
I need Thy help today
I have done so many foolish things
Throughout my life-
Forgive me Lord I pray
I need Thy saving grace I can’t go on.
Life’s pace is much too fast for me now
The GRACE is all I need.
The GRACE is all I need.
As my steps go, O, so slow
I have found old age is not for wimps
My aging body tells me so.
Lord, You have promised in Your word
That even in old age You would carry me through
This is a promise I have to quote
As daily I search for life’s meaning
My body seems to grow tireder and weaker still
But within my soul I feel so strong.
As along with Paul I truly can say-
“Thy grace is sufficient for me”
Thank you Lord for this saving grace
I need Thy strength each hour. 

Life is so beautiful when we take time to see
All the miracles that surround us daily-
The sunrise as it comes over the hill
The birds as they sing sweetly in the trees
The cooling wind on my brow as I pray
These are miracles of love given to all
If they only take time to thank Thee
Thank you Father all Thy mercies sent from on high
And help others to pray along with me

by Beverley Holyer (23/02/2019)


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